Coping pattern and its relationship with mothers knowledge and practices toward their children with sickle cell anemia

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of nursing damitta university


Sickle cell anemia is a genetic blood disorder where the human body produces abnormally shaped red blood cells, often in the shape of a sickle (crescent shaped). Aim: This study aimed at assessing mothers coping patterns toward their children with sickle cell anemia. setting: this study was conducted at outpatient clinic of hematology and day care hematological pediatric department in the Ain shams university Hospitals sample:130 mothers having children with sickle cell anemia were included in this study. Tools of data collection: Two different tools were used, first tool: An interviewing questionnaire about socio demographic characteristic of mothers and their children, knowledge, practices, coping pattern of mothers toward their children with sickle cell anemia, second tool: Medical record of child with sickle cell anemia. Results:59,2%. of mothers having children with sickle cell anemia, had poor level of knowledge while, 4,6% of them had good knowledge about sickle cell anemia.67,7% of the total mothers had inadequate practices regarding their children with sickle cell anemia. While 32.3% of them had adequate practices regarding their children with sickle cell anemia.68,5% of mothers coping pattern adaptive. Compared to 31,5% of them were maladaptive. Conclusion: there was a statistical significant relation between the mothers coping pattern and mothers' total knowledge and practices about sickle cell anemia, Recommendation: Providing mothers with basic knowledge about health needs and problems of their children with sickle cell anemia, enhancing mother's knowledge and practices level toward care of their children with sickle cell anemia, improving mothers coping pattern


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